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Thursday, May 27, 2010'♥

Yesterday was CSL installation. The only cool part was when the seniors put on the badge for the new Exco members. Anyway tuan he came too, and he helped me steal a bear gift for guests. Hehehehe. Oh, the second picture is with the J2 President of Interact, Andrew. He looks a little like Obama right, very promising. Hehe! Oh and dont bother about the President for this year. Dont bother looking, really. The difference is tooooo much. Hehe, okay i feel damn mean, but true still.
Anyway, i decided to blog today because i overslept on a thursday school day. But i am going to school later okay, for chem tutorial and GP common test. Damn, the thought of that. Buttt, school holidays are coming!! i dont really feel excited like last time though. Hmm, okay gonna stop here. Bye.

NEUS♥8:09 AM

Monday, May 17, 2010'♥


NEUS♥8:30 PM

Sunday, May 16, 2010'♥

Backstreet Boys- Larger than Life
I remember when i was 5-6, my brother sister and I would dance to this song. We even choreographed it.
Ronan Keating- When you say nothing at all
I first heard it in the movie Notting Hill when i was small and we loved it.

I heard these two songs playing somewhere for the past few days, and i was suddenly back to childhood days.
I miss Cebu!

NEUS♥12:10 PM


Why is everyone rushing into one now? Is there even a rule for it? I was so disappointed when i found out about that today, because i thought we were the same or quite similar in that way, but apparently not. And that would mean two down. I find it quite sad, but i wont follow suit.

NEUS♥12:11 AM

Wednesday, May 12, 2010'♥

YAY for me. I survived three days of tests consecutively for this week!
For those few days, i had this splitting headache, so i was constantly spamming panadol. I hate the feeling when u want to study but you are not in a good state to do so.
Finally, tonight, i can rest. And watch american idol. After so long.
You know, CSL is so not a slacker cca. It drains me, dry.
Another day of Kidsread. One thing i look forward to is seeing the kids again, but what i hate absolutely positively to the max is going home after that. Because by then, i will realise how tired i am.

NEUS♥9:51 PM

Saturday, May 8, 2010'♥

Talent time was boring i must say. I voted for Jia Wei and his dance group. But i was falling asleep during the mandarin songs part. Their songs were really slow and boring. What a waste of time, other than the dance section which was so funny and entertaining :) So, the Ruggers won, duh. The whole rugby team came to support. Anyway i was pretty sad after that.
I realised a lot of things that day. And somehow, i missed fuhua again.

PLAY(!!!) this song and read below. HEHEHEH. (credits to noobcake)

Anyway i can easily name u 20 things i miss about fuhua times

  1. I miss how we try to bond the class but we are still in cliques.
  2. I miss how 4E2 was so peaceful, with no bitchy people.
  3. I miss how we try to win Class decoration competitions but 4E5 still got it and we felt that the judges were biased (haha!)
  4. I miss how Bella would slap her face when she tries to control her laughter.
  5. I miss the Captains Ball match which we all tried our best and it was sooooooo fun even though we lost. (it was the first time i ran/jumped so much).
  6. I miss our failed class outings which was still as fun.
  7. I miss the class chalet where we all talked and it was the best night.
  8. I miss the sleepovers at Shermaine's place and Guin's place.
  9. I miss cooking pancakes with Green club.
  10. I miss swimming in Guin's pool with my pajamas still on.
  11. I miss dressing up for Racial Harmony day.
  12. I miss being a Mona fan.
  13. I miss the times when BOF was the craze.
  14. I miss seeing Kim Hyun Joong and being so excited.
  15. I miss doing bimbotic things with the girls, even though we were so not bimbos.
  16. I miss the times in Sec One when i ran around the classroom chasing people/getting chased.
  17. I miss the camping at Shermaine's house on fridays in Sec 1.
  18. I miss swimming with Hweechek at the complex and going down the slide on the float.
  19. I miss how Shuwen and I would stock up food in class under our table for rainy days.
  20. I miss passing our rubbish to Bella in class with a note for her.
  21. I miss English class when we would try our best in comprehensions to gain merit points.
  22. I miss teasing people with Hweechek in Sec 1 and 2, acting like we were gossiping about them.
  23. I miss going for recommended buffets by Bella.
  24. I miss playing Captains Ball with the class.
  25. I miss running with Shuwen during NAPHA to help her pass :)(with a good timing hehehe)
  26. I miss making ShinYuu tees with ShinYuu 6.
  27. I miss finger fencing with Deborah.
  28. I miss going out after school.
  29. I miss writing notes to Shuwen and putting them in a box(we were planning to write them till the Olevels, but we didnt.
  30. I miss the time when Maple was hot and we were all playing it.
  31. I miss being pOOtgirl in Maple and Yuhang would cheat me of my money claiming to help me level up.
  32. I miss crumpledpaperroses being my blog.
  33. I miss lame aesthetic classes in lower sec.
  34. I miss being such a slacker in Art Club.
  35. I miss taking neoprints!!!
  36. I miss the little getaways with Hweechek.
  37. I miss how early we were released from school.
  38. I miss how everyone looked stupid and toot in secondary one(including me in my short hair)
  39. I miss rushing to school in the morning and somehow meeting Hweechek along the way rushing as well.
  40. I miss the 4 carefree years in Fuhua.

Oh well, 20 is not enough.

NEUS♥2:14 PM

Monday, May 3, 2010'♥

(HH, this is for you, and it is not going on facebook k HEHEHEEHHE)

Hi, i am dead beat.
Sentosa-ed on Saturday and Monday(which is today). Before that, i had CSL preparation trip to Hort Park for Grace Orchard School kids. And i cant believe i went, because you shouldnt expect a person like me to wake up at 7am to go to Harbour front for something like this. But, surprisingly i got my butt off my bed, mainly because i needed to be responsible(being the station master), and also because the Programmes IC Joel needed me to bring something. So, please clap :) But i was late by 4 minutes la. HEHEHE.(only)

ONLY right? the overall 2nd IC was like "Why is it that some of you came 5minutes late when we were supposed to meet 5minutes earlier? Do you know that by being 5minutes late, we have to push the schedule 5 minutes later?" hahahahahhahahahahah, right. Everyone's faces were like -.- =.= =.=!!!!!!!!! Anyway i really cannot stand such people.

Sometimes we need people to go forward, take the initiative to lead, but not with a grumpy, unhappy-for-no-reason, trying-to-act-like-a-big-shot kind of face. Because, bear that in mind, you wont be voted into EXCO. Maybe you will get voted in, but the vote wont come from me la :) HEHE. Anyway, i am damn scared that one of the CSLs find my blog and reads this. So yes, i shall not name anyone, so yay all is happy and birds are flying. Wheee~

Okay okay, i am really very tired. I wish there was no school tomorrow, and the next day and the next next day, but wake up people! :( not gonna happen.

NEUS♥9:39 PM


I like denim and pretty things.
I like 5's because they feel solid.