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Friday, April 30, 2010'♥

Hellooooo! I have to say this. Congratulations to JJC touchrugby girls :)))))))))))) :DDDDDDDD i was a little sad that i missed it, must be extremely exciting! Haha. It was a JJC vs HCI finals. And i think that it was really cool that JJ could even make it to the finals. Not that i look down on the school,but it is a known fact that jj's sport ccas are not very good. So jj deserves a pat on the back ;) heheheh or maybe a hug and a kiss. Okay virtually *kisses* jj. Anyway a big grats to my classmate yanling who played in the match! Big kiss to you too! Hehehe. Anyway this post will not have any paragraphs because i am posting this with an itouch, so it is damn hard to type. Yeah lah, my thumbs are very big or fat or whatever you wanna call it. Call me any nickname you want now because i am still so amused thay jjc won the finals. LOL. Plus i saw the touchrug team at jp just now, going for a celebration i guess? Okay i am really tired now. Typing on this is really troublesome and somehow irrtating me. So i am gonna go off now. Happy birthday shermaine,and yay tomorrow bye.

NEUS♥11:01 PM

Tuesday, April 27, 2010'♥

[c=46][u][b]Jun Boonz[/b][/u] [/c] says:
suen you are like megan fox

PEEWEE 3 says:
i know

HAHAHAHAH. thanks a lot.
anyway, today my brain got fried and my brain juice dried up.
three tests. KILL ME.

NEUS♥10:27 PM

Sunday, April 25, 2010'♥


NEUS♥10:13 PM

Saturday, April 24, 2010'♥

Hello, today i feel much better. I think i've come to a point when i dont really care much. Its okay.
Last night i went to see my grandmother, and for the first time i am afraid of what could happen to her soon.
She kept saying that she wanted to go home, when she was actually already home. She couldnt recognise her own room, and she kept thinking that her husband(who passed away like 30+ years ago) was still around.
She also thought her mother-in-law was still alive and living next door. Last night she seemed disconnected with everyone. Sometimes she would say things which really gave me the chills. :(
Anyway later tonight, its her birthday, and i am going to see my long lost cousins for the second time (:
On a side note, my physics teacher really disgusts me. Today i wanted to go for consultation with the rest, but the thought of even seeing him confirmed my decision not to.

NEUS♥3:53 PM

Friday, April 23, 2010'♥

This sucks. Today i skipped school partly because i am sick, but also because i really need a break. Yesterday i spent hours finalising my PI, then i went to study for a math test and finished at 3am. Cool.

I've never felt so stressed up before in my whole life. Not even during Olevels, but why now? Everything is going full speed ahead and can we just stop to listen or see what is around us? My teacher is demanding a lot from my PI. He said my idea was inspiring so he wants more. That is added stress.
My friend thinks that JJ students are stupid. Well, to prove her wrong or not to prove? another added stress.

You know i told myself never to feel this way- the frustration and everything. But it came, and it is only APRIL! REALLY REALLY WTH.
Last night i was so motivated to study for math and ace it. Studied, but now i'm sick and cant even go to take the test. PLUS IT IS NOT EVEN A TEST LA, ITS JUST A QUIZ, why am i so affected?
you know why? because of a special someone who always makes stupid comments.

NEUS♥10:29 AM

Monday, April 19, 2010'♥

You know i think i'm losing focus. Every week, there will be at least 2 tests. One will be a class quiz and the other will most likely be a lecture test. Plus thats at least already. I dont know why i bother thinking about all these tests when in secondary school, it was so -who cares if there is a test-.

Maybe it is a good thing? maybe it will push me to work? But i think the fast pace in jc is really draining me. Weekends become the only part of the week to catch up or give myself a break.
I'm sure i am not the only one feeling this.

Right now, i am just sooooo tired. Plus we had torturous and mad P.E in the afternoon and i wish napha would just come so i can get rid of it.
Anywayyyy today we had our PW groupings already. I must say i am satisfied with it :D Or maybe for now. I think PW is giving everyone a headache especially when you already have enough things to do. Great, i cant wait for J2 when chinese and PW will be done and over, which means minus 2 subjects yay.
Okay i am gonna enter wonderland.

NEUS♥5:49 PM

Sunday, April 18, 2010'♥

miss this! someone eat one with me again k?

Hello, tomorrow is school and i don't feel like going because i want to sleep and pig for the whole day.
Anyway my hamster is getting cuter and cuter. Before, it was so irritating cause it wasn't used to human touch and would be quite frightened whenever you bring your hand near. So actually for the past few weeks, i've been slowly bringing him out to explore. And just now, i could finally put him into the ball thingy to explore even further around the house hehe!

Anyway my hamster collapsed. HAHA. As in, cause he was too tired from the running hehehehehe. he is now sleeping in the middle of the cage which he usually does not. haha, loser. :D

Okay, anyway i find it quite disturbing that my hamster is a male. the past 3 hamsters were all females and they did NOT have testes hanging out. So now, this one has, and its quite yes, disturbing tsk. And that day, i saw a little blood coming out from his yeah that part. Dont know what it is, but eww gross.

So next saturday, its my grandma's 91st birthday! haahha. Hopefully she'll at least reach hundred. haha!

Oh, my PI 2nd draft is not done. I'm always procrastinating you see.
Okay thats it. Bye.

NEUS♥10:41 PM

Thursday, April 8, 2010'♥

i finally finished my PI at 1130.
11 40 Received an email from PW teacher asking us to follow a format he made for us.
= Redo

NEUS♥11:45 PM

Wednesday, April 7, 2010'♥

PI is really a pain in the ass. And i finally got good comments for my idea which was edited a million times. And i also finally got what they were asking for -.- Anyway i think i should try to like PW more, so i wouldnt find it such a burden/chore. Because when you like it, you'll enjoy it :) Yes! im off to do my first draft! (and today is Wednesday already btw hahaha)

NEUS♥8:23 PM

Tuesday, April 6, 2010'♥

because for some people, there is always a tomorrow, and sometimes that tomorrow never comes.

I find him even more irritating. Plus he likes my friend which is totally gross and she deserves so much better.
Anyway, i'm so encouraged by something today :) so i really feel that God has his own plans for you. I hope it'll work (:

'I really think I changed a lot (x99999) since I came to JC.' (doodle-dee.bs)

GUIN! I MISS YOU ): AND GREEN CLUB TOO! And i agree with you! hehehe.
Today Madeline from CSL gave me a love letter :) i'm so amazed and i think i've changed too, from secondary school. I think im happier (:
Everyone should too! yes you. Fearless k!

NEUS♥5:30 PM

Sunday, April 4, 2010'♥

i've slept enough and skipping school tmr yay :)
So anyway CSL camp was funnn and wet. It rained for 2 days, but i liked it! We had Amazing Race around PU and in total there were 4 stations. But due to the heavy downpour we only completed 2. But those 2 stations were very meaningful especially the second one. I really felt so determined and encouraged by the group even when the station masters were giving up/gave up hope because of the rain. The race was really memorable and for the race itself, we got First, by point system.

Anyway at the camp, i've seen a lot of CSLs who are really committed to serving, and i was so WOWed by it. They were so passionate about it, and i felt that my passion is really just like, lukewarm to warm. Unlike their burning passion. So i decided not to try for EXCO! :) Give it to those who really really want it.

Anyway i feel so bonded with the rest of the CSLs already. Unlike in aesthetics club in FUHUA: everyone minding their own business, talking among themselves.
So im very glad at the moment.

Anyway i realised i always start my sentences with anyway but anyway BRAVO FTW ♥

NEUS♥10:55 PM


Ubin-ed and i'm super tired but not very actually.

NEUS♥1:44 PM

Thursday, April 1, 2010'♥

Hello world. Havent really been updating, because school is so busy.
You know i really cannot stand it when people in my project group do not do their work. And for my whole 17 years of life, i finally met the ultimate idiotic member which the world could really live without.

Let me tell you why.
CASE 1(some guy)
On a sunday afternoon, we all agreed to meet up online to discuss a GP project.

Deadline for GP: Monday

Firstly, the time was set to suit him because he claimed to be busy the rest of the time. SO OKAY LA. When the time came, the other group members were online already, except him! Plus, i sent a text message early in the morning to remind them to be online, and what do i get?

Okay so we discussed the project without him. After that, i left a msg on his msn about what he had to do, in case he came online later. OKAY, my patience still there!
By that night, everyone were supposed to send me their research so i can do the ppt. Everyone did, except him. So i texted him, and he called at 11pm 'What do i have to do?' -.- So obviously he didnt go online at all that day la! Patience level: 20%

Monday came. I asked him to send me by that night. He said 'Okay okay, i send you tonight.' and he said one whole crap story that he has 2 emails, and he doesnt know which email he should use to send me the info. LIKE WTH LA, JUST SEND ME THE DAMN INFO USING WHICHEVER EMAIL HE WANTS TO USE. LIKE I CARE RIGHT!!! Patience level: 2%

Okay monday night. HE DIDNT SEND A SINGLE THING. i stayed up doing the GP handout and editing the ppt. By that day, GP HANDOUT DONE. POWERPNT DONE. (all done except for his portion) Patience level: 1%

Deadline for GP: pushed to thursday

You know, i actually could do it without him, but i really wanted him to at least do something, so i waited and waited.

Tuesday: 'Tonight i send you. What am i suppose to do ah?"

Tuesday night: NOTHING. I waited till 12pm, and finally i gave up. I did it for him cause weds i wouldnt be free already to do the ppt. Patience level: 0%, Anger: 80%

Wednesday: I didnt tell him i did it already.

Wednesday night: 11pm he called me. "What am i suppose to find ah?"
Like 11pm alreadyyyyy you know! Even if he sent me then, isnt it a bit too late, okay not EVEN A BIT, SUPER LATE! Anger level: 99%
ITS BEEN 4 DAYS ALREADY YOU KNOW?! still dont know what do do??? dont kid me la.Not like its hard to understand, JUST DO ON THE PROFILE OF THE YOUTH GANG MEMBERS! SIMPLE ENGLISH LOR.

Thurday was the deadline, but then, again, pushed to next week.

CASE 2(same guy)

Almost 1 month ago, he borrowed my Chinese compo cause i got the highest in class.( hehe, i know i know)

He said he wanted to refer to it cause he had not done his yet. So OKAY LEND HIM. Just yesterday, i suddenly remembered. SO i asked him if my compo was still with him. He said "tomorrow, tomorrow. I will help u staple the qn paper and your answer." i was like =.=``````````
CAN YOU JUST LIKE GIVE IT TO ME NOW AND I CAN STAPLE IT MYSELF???!!! no, i did not say this la. But it was in my head.


I am seriously damnnnnn pissed with this idiot, can tell right? He is totally idiotic TTM. I fear that one day i'll just whack his head off or scream at him. Someone, please do it for me? im so lucky im not in the same PW class as him.

But really, i do deserve to be angry right?

Okay, today i wanted to blog about something cute and happy. But after thinking about this idiot, the mood is gone. So anyway Happy April Fools! (i tricked people today yay! :D )

NEUS♥7:39 PM


I like denim and pretty things.
I like 5's because they feel solid.