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Friday, October 30, 2009'♥

two more weeks! i can smell fun already!!!!!

NEUS♥6:16 PM

Monday, October 26, 2009'♥

today was quite sucky, because of the stupid hot weather, having Olevels in the hall is SUPER NOT CONDUCIVE K! so sticky yicky yuck!

NEUS♥6:39 PM

Wednesday, October 21, 2009'♥

Hi, im back.
i decided to blog awhile, after studying a portion of Nazi Germany.
i shall resume my studying at 12.
so the BIG O's is like 5-6 days away, and for now i dont feel a thing.
it feels like end of year exams, not theeee Olevels.
anyway, i was studying studying these few days, and i started to wonder, why are we studying so hard? i mean almost all 16 year olds in singapore are studying like mad for this stupid exam.
And, i still cant find the right answer to this.
Or maybe this is just a rubbish thought. just study huh.
Okay, anyway yesterday was somewhat productive at the library, except for the funny little things happening. Right MEILING GUIN SHUWEN DEBORAH FANG?! and meiling and guin were the funniest k!
Peeping Toms!
Anyway, my hamster Fatso died a few weeks ago. the day when i wrote the previous post.
and last night i dreamt of her! i dont feel sad already, i just miss that furball. she is probably living in a bowl of seeds with her playmates in heaven hehe :D

Oh, and the library is full of fuhua people everyday!

NEUS♥11:35 AM

Friday, October 2, 2009'♥

Oh so blogger is finally working. Anyway, i am very depressed.
yesterday was a good day when i skipped school and went to study. But when i got home, i realised that my Fatso was acting strange. She walked and fell to her side, and she couldnt balance herself. She was frantic for some reason and kept falling over. And she seemed like she lost weight. IN JUST A DAY.
Anyway, i was super sad watching her struggle as she walked from place to place.
and last night i researched and i suspect that my fatso has an ear tumour! D;
and the only way to help her is to either go for surgery (which costs like a bomb) or watch her die or put her to sleep. So, yes i am very very very sad.
this morning i saw her digging her ear( like putting her whole foot in to scratch her inner ear) and so i have come to a conclusion: she has a tumour in her right ear.
Oh, and i hear mrL is very angry that 15 of us skipped school. so yes, be prepared people.

NEUS♥10:26 AM


I like denim and pretty things.
I like 5's because they feel solid.