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Sunday, August 31, 2008'♥

i think i'm going to love this one week holiday.
because i'm loving it now, already!

NEUS♥3:42 PM

Friday, August 29, 2008'♥

Teachers Day/
IT Show/

&i am supersupersuper guilty that i didnt give mr lee anything.
&we saw mr lee and mr fong at the IT show.
&i regretted not going back to my primary school.
&i am super tired.
&i want to sleep now.
&i dont feel like talking.
& many other things,

& i shall go.

NEUS♥10:22 PM

Wednesday, August 27, 2008'♥

evidence of buggy stealing my paintbrush yesterday(:

oh, today we didnt go to the oldie home.
changed to next next week.
but we practiced our dance for them.
McFly- Five colours in her hair.
and i have a crazy partner!
anyway, thankyou weikiat for leading our messy class(:
oooh, holidays are near, yipeeeedoooo!

shall go sleep now, tataaa!

NEUS♥4:46 PM

Tuesday, August 26, 2008'♥

okay, a fast one.
we finally had PE today.
we played captains ball, the UG + Sports vs the Arts.
quite obvious which team won right(:

and deborah helped me paint my toilet dooooor!
thankyouuu fisherbuggy!
im doing mona lisa.

This one! cute right?
Hwee and I wanted to paint another one,
with the huge bare buttocks,
we couldnt.
haha. public display of buttocks are a no-no(:
but a toilet door and butt paintings go together right?
gives you more inspiration to do your business RIGHTRIGHTRIGHT?!.haha.

okay, enough of the butt talk.
we have CIP at the oldie homes tmr!
and our dear class didnt prepare anything, no food, no performance.
poor oldies.
ooh, yeah, and teachers day.

i misssssssssssss the tiny canteen which looked so huge when i was small.
and teacherss
and peoplee
BUT I HAVE TUITION. with the crazy people again.

NEUS♥9:49 PM

Monday, August 25, 2008'♥

monday blues.
HAHA. but today was like so funny.
laughed till my head went hot, and went dizzy.
sitting with shuwen= SURE FAIL.(mr lee's catch phrase)
anyway, if you want to know the story, visit shuwen-the fly's blog!
HAHAHA. lazy to type everything out(:
oh, i love our really sticky pure white fat-free marshmallows!
we grossed Ms Haiza out (:
she hates them. HAHAHA.
its all your fault,fly.
we cant put marshies in the fridge!
HAHAHAHAH, how dumb can we get! or rather YOUUUU! HMMP! hehehEH(:

oh! today felt like a dream.
HAHA, the fly always says this.
surprisingly lessons seemed like it ended really fast.
it was like 12pm, and it felt as though recess wasnt over. LOL.

omg, i have to go.
loves much to those who think you are loved! <3

NEUS♥5:59 PM

Sunday, August 24, 2008'♥

Auntie W's student came to clear the virus.
okay, im done.

NEUS♥10:41 PM

Thursday, August 21, 2008'♥

i cant wait for tmr.
i cant wait for 29th August.
i cant wait for 3rd Sept.
i cant wait for 5th Sept.
i cant wait for 1st Sept.
i cant wait for 12th Sept.
i cant wait for 19th Sept.
i cant wait for 26 Sept.

but, i am still waiting.

after watching SUPER SIZE ME, i was like so tempted.
so ytd after school we went to have mac for lunch.
and a gross,blueish green insect kept terrorising us.
it was flying all over the place, and me and shuwen were like freaking out.
plus it was quite huge. and we were half laughing half screaming(silently) when that unknown insect flew near us.
so all of us couldnt eat in peace.
so later, shermaine popped in, and stepped on the insect. LOL.
happened so quickly.
but the process was supersupersuper funny, until mr strawberry laughed till he cried. HAHA.

oh, back to today.
today was fun.
although we had Amath,Emath,Chemistry mini tests.
we brought Ruffles to class, and Ms C allowed us to eat in class.(:
so people kept running over to grab some.
until none was left for fang. haha.

the shinyuus went berserk later on.
which was sosososo funny.
tmr is comingggggg.
oh, and i havent started on tuition homework yet.
so did shuwen(:
so nothing to worry about.

i think its a good thing.

NEUS♥4:29 PM

Monday, August 18, 2008'♥

my sister sure knows how to shut us up.
yesterday? chewy junior.
today? cakes&pies&brownies.
okay, i am sold!

today results were out.
okay, i flunked Amath.(so far)
there's still physics and history.
haha, anyway, thanks deborah for making me laugh it off.
i forgot how lousy my math results were, then. (:
or rather OUR results were.
so after school, Shuwen,Zeling, and I went slacking.
it rained after some time, so poof, im home.
&&& joshua, i'll get that half more mark, lets see who laughs last(:

okay! byebyebye.

oh and SHUWEN! you made me bite that dam plastic thingy until my tooth hurts nowwww.

thankyou for making me not feel that way, and although i dont say it out, you know what i want to say.

NEUS♥5:35 PM

Sunday, August 17, 2008'♥

thankyou fatty! (:

tmr's school as usual.
omg, coming to think of it,
i havent started on homework yet!

oops, shall run.

(updated hours later)
LOL. i left all my homework in school.
one word, LOL.

NEUS♥3:46 PM

Saturday, August 16, 2008'♥

today was the first day of tuition for A math!
Shuwen,Deborah,Fang,and I armed with our SHINYUU<3 tee,went to Graymatter at Bugis for our tuition.
first time going for tuition with classmates =D

anyway, i was late, and met them at like 4 plus.
and tuition was at 5.
sorry people!
plus we didnt know how to get there very well.
but luckily my sister smsed me the route to tuition.
so i was pratically running and reading the msg.
it was fun tho.
very amazing race-ish!
and we finally reached the tuition centre panting&sweating&morepanting, and it turned out, we were early!
so later 3 others came and lesson started.

so after that, Shuwen and I bought lovely donuts from JCO again!
haha, after the charity bazaar, I BECAME ADDITED TO DONUTS! (:
loves much!
shuwen's oreo donut was FANTASTICC.
omg. drools.

okay, shall run now.

NEUS♥9:24 PM

Friday, August 15, 2008'♥

physics? okay. im prepared for the worst.or the best.
anyway, after that we went to jp to get our SHINYUU tee!
and after much waiting and drawing and editing and blah, OUR TEEE IS DONE-DED!

but the uncle did something wrong.
but it wasnt so obvious, so we didnt go back to change it.
look at xinmei's name, and you'll know it.
anyway, other than that, im super pleased with our tee!
anyway, we were watching Li Jia Wei play on tv at jp.
and many ppl were crowding around to watch it too.
haha, cute sight.
and when she made a mistake, people would sigh or yell "aiyahhh!"
LOL, especially the aunties i went with today.
mainly the mosquito and the boxer. oh, and the fish.

oh shucks, my noob sis didnt order my kfc meal for me.
and now my bro and sis has their dinner, and i have none!
oh wait! i have popcorn chicken!
hmm, nevermind, shall live on that today.

SUEN eating now-

NEUS♥5:24 PM

Thursday, August 14, 2008'♥

you can laugh at me now.
i am not going to say 'i am going to fail amath' anymore.
because im not going to, i am.
and i shall eat my big fat red mark with a letter F with pride.
because at least i tried.
dont blame me for being dumb, its the chemicals in my brain juice that reacted and produced an unknown substance which made me dumb. so blame the brain.(:

anyway, shall not wallow in self pity anymore.
whats done is done, no use crying over spilt milk.
okayokay, tmr's physics.
no comment-

i love Stalin.

NEUS♥5:12 PM

Wednesday, August 13, 2008'♥

Geography? check.
History? check.
Chemistry? check.
Amath? (blank)
Physics? (blank)

two more and its over(:
anyway, my physics cmi already.
so i'll just leave it to erm, nature. haha.

today lessons after that was pretty okay.
we joined the tables into one long straight line.
9 tables together i think.
anw, after that we had assembly.
YY presented(:
but overall, assembly was boring.
all the overseas blahblahblah thingos.

okay, i shall go study now.
ms fisherbugs loves hitting people.
oh, and random thing, i like stalin.
=D sick, but interesting.

NEUS♥3:08 PM

Friday, August 8, 2008'♥

Deborah's birthday with xianqin and weikiat(:

Meiji Factory day.

Charity Bazaar donuts!

Records challenge with the hosts! Pornsak and the erm,other host! haha.

Sakae day quite long ago. Qiyu,Weishen,Hweeee,and I.

Malaysia Camp! Jasmine,Huangfang,Shuwen,and I.


National Day celebrations today.
boring. not like before.
Only a few people were high-ing. ):
anyway, today the cute oldies from Golden Willow came, and it was our turn to entertain them.
and the Charity Bazaar was going on too.
thankyou mr lee for the lovely munchydonuts!
and to shermaine for them too!

oh, and lastly, Congrats cross country people.
YiYing- GIRLS 2nd.
Sharon- GIRLS 9th?
HweeChek- GIRLS 10th.
Ken- BOYS 1st.
SongWei- BOYS 2nd.

thats all i know.haha.

&&& to the walkathon people, congrats for doing something for charity.

NEUS♥6:57 PM

Thursday, August 7, 2008'♥

okay, lets start from yesterday.
yesterday huangfang had to go back early because she was sick ):
so i skipped abit of english to accompany her down to wait for her mum.
so lessons after that were pretty fun. especially during history.
haha, we were like joking around about ShuYang(exchange student ffrom china) and Kyle Patrick( lead singer of click fiveee).
dam funny. and the chair thing was funny too.
haha, i dont think you would know what im talking about. for some. haha.
oh, and darren composed a song for me, which goes like this.
(tune=The more we get together)

The more SUEN likes the chair
Likes the chair

The more SUEN likes the chair
the crazier she'll be

The crazy goes SUEN
the SUEN goes crazier

The more SUEN likes the chair
the crazier she'll be.

haha, dumb song right? haha.
anw, ytd was just-fun. =D

anw, today was hectic. huangfang was sick and couldnt come again.
i had to collect history worksheets, do my physics workbook, do my history worksheet,help huangfang collect her worksheets and organise everything at the same time. super tiring.
anw, thankyou YY for the help!
it wasnt so bad afterall(:

Secondhand Serenade- Fall for you & Why.
Cold Play- Viva la Vida.
addicted to them much.

NEUS♥4:52 PM

Tuesday, August 5, 2008'♥


today was pretty slack-ful. haha.
we took our height and weight today.
i want to be tallerrrrrr!
my first height was like 1 cm taller than zijian okay!
then i retook my height and i was 2 cm taller than zijian alr =D
haha, but havent reached my goal =(
(shall sleep more!) haha,

oh, we got back our chem mini test today. haha
i got 10/11 (: 1 super careless mistake okay.
anw, during the chem test it was really funny.
i forgot to bring my periodic table, and we couldnt join tables tgt.
so joshua the kind soul shared with me.
so we found a chair and put it in between us with his periodic table on top of it.
and i put his trophey(for some video thingy) on top of the paper to hold the paper down.
dam hilarious. and his trophey was sosososo cute lah. the fat and round star dam cute.
and we were discussing here&there, with weikiat running over to see the periodic table, until ms lin cannot help it alr.
then after the test, joshua was like, magnesium chloride is MgCL. and he was like dam happy cause he thought he was right.
then we were like, no! its MgCl2. then we started explaining to each other how we got our answer.
and in the end, i asked ms lin, and she said it was MgCl2. hahah, so funny.

oh shucks, tmrs physics test. mcqs. on kinematics and forces, etc.
hmm, just have to rmbr,
constant speed=0 resultant force.
right? if im not wrong. haha, anw, i hate physics now.
dumb physics.

oh! and tmr sch starts late! cause we won the records challenge, and mdm oen decided to reward the school, by having lessons at 8.30am.
quite useless actually. i'd prefer dismissal to be earlier. hmmp=X

and SHUWEN! i want more jelly beannnnss! oh, and thankyou for the jellybeans today! you KIND (erm.coughs) soul!
shall run now.


P/S to shuwen: abt the tagboard? i shall see first. =D

NEUS♥3:37 PM

Monday, August 4, 2008'♥

and ___ its finally off.
i really cant stand ___.
nevermind. shall not rant about ___ here.

super pissed can.

oh yeah, we got back english letter writing CT today.
2 words - not happy.
plus next week its gonna be all the killer subjects.
extra sighsssss,

anw, on a lighter note, national day is coming, oh and the charity bazaar!
mr lee ordered doughnuts for everyone!
cuteness can(:

NEUS♥8:05 PM

Sunday, August 3, 2008'♥

i am tired.
so anw, saturday went to 'study' with peoples.
ended up chatting and sending songs here&there.

anw, after that, i had to rush off to see my cute grandmomo!
she hurt her leg while climbing the stairs.
poor granny!
so after tht, we had our dinner with my lovely auntie!
another cute soul.
anw, i was like walking around, and someone shouted "SUEN!"
so i looked around and saw xinyi, from my tuition.
sounds like a girl's name right? but its a guy. LOL.
funny person.

reached home super late and died-ed on my bed.
so today i had to wake up early for tuition.
which was at like 9am? at TB.
so we waited for our teacher till 9.40am. and he still wasnt there.
so natalie and i decided to go to the washroom.
so when we returned, we realised that the corridor was way quiet.
and when we stepped into class, everyone was gone.
as in really like as if they disappeared into thin air or sth. no traces left whatsoever.
and we were like. stun.
so i thought maybe they moved to the 5th floor for lessons.
in the end, the admin told us lesson was cancelled because the teacher was veryveryveryveryveryvery sick.

so later, natalie and I went slacking around the mall. half exercising.
another funny person.
SO COOOOOLL. it was at 1pm today. and right now, i think there's the pussycat dolls and alicia keys left to perform.
SO SADDDDDD. OMGGG. nvm.nvm.nvm.next time(?) )))))))=
so we went to the customer service to get the singfest booklet.
and next person gonna perform in sg, is AVRIL LAVIGNE AND BOYS LIKE GIRLS!
most probably cant go either. SADDEDD LIFE OF MINE.

AHHH, byebye singfest. today is your last day and i know your sad that i couldnt go. bybye singfest.

NEUS♥7:42 PM

Friday, August 1, 2008'♥

Christian the lion.
check it out on youtube.
i was touched.

NEUS♥8:20 PM


today was a super slack day & also meiji day!
hmm, shall start from the morning. we had emath paper today.
and i didnt finish my last question part b! ):
oh well, anw, lessons were the same. boring, bcause we couldnt change seats,and i was stuck at the centre of the class. as in seriously right smack in the centre.

anw, after school ended at 1230, it was meiji time!
the factory! it started at 1 i think and ended at 3. so we had to take 2 buses.
oh, and today is the last day meiji is opened. cause they are closing it for renovation till 2009.
so if you missed your chance in 2008. too bad (:
oh, and we made a new friend! the bus driver-a lady!
we told her that we were going to meiji factory, and she told us when to get down etc.
cute =D
anyway, we were racing towards the factory like a bunch of aunties.
and when we reached the factory, it was super super packed.
so we dumped whatever we could find in our baskets and had to wait for half an hour to purchase our stuffs. LONG QUEUE!

after that, surprisingly, we saw the same bus driver, and took her bus again!
so cute!

anyway, i went home a happy girl too. quite alot of food for a reasonable price.

hmm, shall go and eat my lovely food now!

NEUS♥3:39 PM


I like denim and pretty things.
I like 5's because they feel solid.