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Tuesday, July 29, 2008'♥

these were ages ago so, since im free, i shall post them. =D

i skipped school today.
haha, can imagine you people having recess now.
and lessons and lessons and lessons after that.
last night i was like, " ma, tomorrow im not going to school." (in the confident, i-know-what-im-saying manner) haha.
then my mum was like,"why?"
me,"because wednesday is common test and history class test. i need to study."
mum,"you see? last minute study. any important lessons tomorrow?"
me,"dont have."
mum,"okay, you better study."
haha, yeah. like real i'll study.
haha, actually i'll study, but not so early.
my motto is, play before study!

anyway, yesterday i wanted to go to school at 8 plus.
because mr govin said that there wont be detention for those who went for the records challenge on sunday and were late.
but hf smsed me early in the morning tht her mum told her to go to school at the normal time.
so i was like, dragging myself out of bed to wash up.
so i reached school at 7.33! late by 8 minutes!
but mr govin wasnt there =D
haha, so during lessons i was like dozing off to sleep, and my eyes were super painful, yeah, and not forgetting my sunburnt skin. the pain. =X

haha, oh and singapore lost to brazil 3-0. LOL. expected it anyway.
but, i expected it to be like 10-0 or sth.
lol. sg not bad,huh.
lol, its 10.12am.
the people should still be having recess now.
hmm, i shall have mine too.

NEUS♥9:58 AM

Monday, July 28, 2008'♥


yeah. it was super fun yesterday.
we were the first group to start off the egg relay.
which was actually a good thing.
because we could slack after our turn.

i was like the 9th person from my group to go.
super fun. when i was reaching the prefects, my egg was like wobbling because of the screaming and all.
lol. you know, sound waves? haha.
haha, the prefects and supporters were really enthu!
oh, and yeah, mr govin was super CUTEEE!
so fatherly and damdamdam cute.
omg. i think he was interviewed.
so cute.
and the NO DETENTION part was funny tooooo!


now i know that filming isnt easy.
we had to like scream over and over again just to get a perfect scene.
anyway, i loved the results part the most.
screamed my lungs out okay!
funfunfun. with shin yuu 6, of course fun. =D

OHH YEAHHHH!, and so not forgetting,i took photos with pornsak and the erm. other host.
pretty people!

shall post them someday when im super freeee =D

yay, shall go now.

NEUS♥5:48 PM

Saturday, July 26, 2008'♥

it is back!
tmr's the day.
cant wait for the relay & of course our lovely pizza later on.

ベストフレンド 6
or rather, Shin Yuu 6 was born on 24/7.
Xi Zi
Wen Zi
Su Zi
Xiao Zi
Mei Zi
Fang Zi
and we'll have our own tees too!
yay, much much much loves to Shin Yuu 6 ♥

i keep seeing you. stop making me see you.

NEUS♥9:44 PM


sunday's records challenge.
super duper excited man.
i hope we'll win.
if we dont ill be uber sad.
anw, if we win, we'll all be getting one day off! (maybe)
so jiayou ppl.
and jiayou to me.
shall not drop the egg.
shall not drop the egg.
shall not drop the egg.

NEUS♥10:57 AM

Sunday, July 13, 2008'♥

look into your heart and you'll find love.
i love jason mraz.
great voice.
school tmr.
shall go now.

NEUS♥6:40 PM


I like denim and pretty things.
I like 5's because they feel solid.